Over 75 years of
Workers' Compensation EXPERIENCE
We have the know-how you need.
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WE KNOW Workers' Compensation Law
Nobody wants to get injured. Nobody goes to work anticipating that they will suffer a life changing accident. You work hard for your money and cannot afford to have your life turned upside down due to a work accident.
When you are injured at work you must navigate the twisting turning terrain of workers’ compensation. You have to coordinate your medical care, attend medical appointments, establish and prove your workers’ compensation claim and make sure that your weekly checks are paid on time. This to do list equates to a nightmare for the injured worker who frequently becomes overwhelmed and falls behind.
CCB Law is home to three seasoned workers’ compensation attorneys, two of whom are board certified specialists. We ONLY represent injured workers and we KNOW how to get you paid. Please don't wait, call today for your free, no pressure consultation. We're here to help.
Who We represent
CCB Law represents injured workers’ throughout the State of Connecticut for all types of workplace injuries that including, but not limited to:
Orthopedic injuries such as those to the back, neck, shoulders, hips and knees
Traumatic brain injuries (Post Concussion Syndrome)
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Cubital tunnel syndrome
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), formerly known as RSD
Work related heart attacks
Occupational diseases.
Frank Costello, Partner
Why We're Great >

Google Review:
"Attentive to you as a client in all aspects."
Jeremy Brown,
Why We're Great >

Google Review:
"He takes the time to listen to the client and got me paid!"
Kevin Coombes,
Of Counsel
Why We're Great >

Google Review:
"He handled everything with an ease and professionalism that school just doesn’t teach."
You need the right help
A workers’ compensation claim can have many layers. On the surface is the actual work place injury, but lying beneath is the potential for a personal injury action, Social Security Disability, State or Municipal Retirement Disability, Medicare Set-Asides and a host of other potential layers. Navigating the workers’ compensation statute, related administrative regulations, written opinions and complex medical issues can be a daunting task for those unfamiliar with the system.
The attorneys of CCB Law have a high degree of understanding of the Connecticut workers’ compensation system through years of experience and work as leaders of the Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Bar. The attorneys of CCB Law are actively involved in the continuing education of attorneys on workers’ compensation issues and CCB Law is proud to have two Board Certified Workers’ Compensation Specialists. The experience and knowledge derived from our involvement in the workers’ compensation community is an invaluable resource to our clients.
At CCB Law, we don’t just know workers’ compensation, we understand the complex layers that are frequently associated with workers’ compensation. When hiring an attorney, it is imperative that you hire someone who knows not only how to handle your immediate concerns, but who can also address all of the issues that will likely arise as a consequence of your injury.
We work to protect our clients from unwanted surprises down the road, such as an off-set against SSD or disability pension for receipt of workers’ compensation. If the proper steps are not taken to ensure a solid foundation, the future built on that foundation may crumble. You cannot afford to gamble with your representation.
Want to learn more, but aren't ready to call? No Problem!

Contact CCB Law for your complimentary, no commitment consultation
433 South Main Street, Ste 102, West Hartford, CT 06110 info@ccbctlaw.com | Tel: 1-860-560-0468

You can't afford to wait
433 South Main Street, Suite 102
West Hartford, CT 06110
Email: info@ccbctlaw.com
Tel: 860-560-0468
Fax: 860-560-0763